The Complete Bar Management System
Product Details
This Product Contains the following modules :
- Wine and Dine Management
- Bar Billing Management -Order Number Wise Billing Management,
Table Number Wise Management, All Including Taxes Wise Management, Complementary
Services Wise Management
- Showing Old Bar Billing Management -Name and Table
Number Billing Wise Management, Item Name and Item Code, Wise Management, All Including
Taxes Wise Management, Order Number Wise Billing Management
- Bar Billing Wise Management-Order Number Wise Billing
Management, Table Number Wise Management, All Including Taxes Wise Management, Complementary
Services Wise Management
- Food and Beverage Management
- Bar Management -Bars Information Wise Management
- Table Information Management-Department Name, Table
Number Wise Numbers of Chairs wise Management
- Billing Services Management
- Bar Billing Management Order Number Wise Billing Management,
Table Number Wise Management, All Including Taxes Wise Management, Complementary
Services Wise Management
- Stock Management
- Item Master Item Name Wise Management, Item Code Wise
Management, Opening Store wise Management, Rate and Unit Wise Management, Description
Wise Management
- Item Purchase-Purchase Master,Party Name Wise, Invoice
Number Wise, Invoice Date and Entry Date Wise Management
- Item Release Master-Item Stock Master, Invoice Number,
Invoice Master , Total Stock Wise Management
- Item Statement Master:-Item Name, Date to Date wise
Report, Purchase, Release and Balance wise management
- Utility
- Database /Restore - Back up path/Restore Path Wise
Management, Class wise management
- Session Month-Management-Session, Total days, year, month,
working days and leave detail wise management, Lock the software and password change
facility wise management
- Tax Master Management
- Tax management -Room, Banquet, Bar, Restaurant, Spa,
Travel Desk, Cyber Cafe or other services wise management
- Stock Management
- Item Master Item Name Wise Management, Item Code Wise
Management, Opening Store wise Management, Rate and Unit Wise Management, Description
Wise Management
- Item Purchase-Purchase Master,Party Name Wise, Invoice
Number Wise, Invoice Date and Entry Date Wise Management
- Item Release Master-Item Stock Master, Invoice Number,
Invoice Master , Total Stock Wise Management
- Item Statement Master-Item Name, Date to Date wise
Report, Purchase, Release and Balance wise management
- Reminder Management
- In reminder management bar manager or admin sets the reminder
and reminds time about something that he wants to remember and automatically reminder
alerts when time reaches.
- Payment Management
- Customer Name management
- Reports showing management
- Accounts Management
- In account management complete inventory management, sale,
purchase, stock, income, expense, daily reports, monthly & weekly reports, ledger
reports are maintained.
- Employee Management
- Employee Registration Employee Name and Employee Code
Management, Contact Information, Permanent and Present Address, Photo Id, Profile
Detail and salary details
- Salary Calculation -Salary Month Wise, Employee Name,
Total Days Present, Working Days In month
- Attendance Management-Attendance Register Managed
by In Come Time and Out Going Time
- Organization Management
- Organization Detail Management-Name, address, country,
phone, fax, short name, organization type, e-mail, state , city, website wise management
- Contact Person Detail- Name, contact person, address
and e-mail
- Advance Setting Management- Screen lock after seconds
- User Authentication
- Password Protected The software is password protected.
Any kind of access to database is restricted. Only super admin with the exact password
can access the database for any kind of modification or manipulation.
- Restriction -View and data level restriction for every
Note : * We Support "Need more module or customize any existing module on